jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

If you want me to buy, you need to speak my language

Ficoba has always been a cross-border project, not only because that is what its company mission says, but mainly because of the commitment of the company and the staff to multilingualism and multiculturalism. All Ficoba’s employees speak Basque, Spanish and French, in most cases we also speak English and some speak other languages like German or Portuguese.
Our commitment is practical and real: every official document is available in Spanish, French and Basque and every sign, prospect or instruction is written, printed or given in these three languages; Ficoba’s six web sites (Ficoba, Mendiexpo, Abla, Bioterra, Construcoba, FNCV) are maintained in four languages (the ones already listed plus English) and so are the languages used in our Blog. The situation is sometimes awkard and difficult to deal with, specially when we need to communicate something, but we take it as a challenge.

Our commitment is not only based in respect and cultural reasons though. This project is also a business and therefore, has to fulfilled some economic and financial objectives.
Over 90% of buyers of business surveyed last year prefer products and information available in their language, according to a report released by Common Sense Advisory. The report shows that purchase intent increases when the product information has been translated: “If you want me to buy, you need to speak my language”.
As former German Chancellor Willy Brandt once said, "If I'm selling to you, I speak your language. If I'm buying, "dann muessen Sie Deutsch sprechen" (then you must speak German).
Benefits of being able to speak to colleagues and clients literally in their own language are not only a demonstration of respect and interest, but also minimise misunderstandings which can cause economic effects.
In this globalized world of today, we need to interact with more people and for that reason, we believe we have to be multilingual . Not only we believe in multilingualism, but we put it into practise every single day.
And this makes us really a cross-border team!

1 comentario:

  1. Hau da nibela! Ez nuen uste nire lankideek ingelesez hain ongi idazten zutenik. Egia esan gure postuetarako lan aukeraketan, hizkuntzak asko baloratu ziren. Normala! FICOBA-n gende ugarikin hitzegin behar dugu (erakusketariak, bisitariak, hitzlariak, ..) eta, Elenak esaten duen bezala, zure mintzaidearen hizkuntza erabiliz, komunikazioa desberdiña da, konexioa hobetu egiten da eta komunikazioan gehiago sakontzen da eta hobea da. Bestalde, Gipuzkoako Erakustazoka garenez, gaudenen gizartea eta ingurua kontutan hartuz, gure hizkuntzak zeintzu direnen sentimendua ere badago, nire ustez.
