martes, 24 de marzo de 2009


There is a city, Irun, with its cross-border singular aspect and its strategic added value for business.

There is where Ficoba operates its Gipuzkoa Exhibition Hall, a sustainable infrastructure in the field of landscaping, e.g. using the photovoltaics roofs.

Ficoba is managed, I believe so, by a winning team aware of the decrease in business directly attribuable to the economic downturn.

How do these knowldedgeable professionals react?

Through better exhibition sales channels realizing that customer relationship is the key role in today exhibition marketing, but without failing the impact of internet. Through imanigative ways to increase a solid return of investment for exhibitors and to gather attendees to the front door.

On the other side, tightly negociated services costs provide this team the basis for a flexible approach towards a new pricing policy joined to new Shows traits relied on a compact room and some interactive and innovative areas.

Good ideas for the shifting challenges we have to face while trying to make the future of the Trade Shows Industry.

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